[ofiwg] OFI WG, DS/DA WG: Minutes from Monterey F2F

Paul Grun grun at cray.com
Tue Mar 24 04:02:21 PDT 2015

Minutes from the F2F meetings in Monterey have been uploaded to the download area:

DS/DA minutes - Sunday, 3/15/2015: https://www.openfabrics.org/downloads/ofiwg/dsda_meeting_minutes/OFWG_DSDA_minutes_2015-03-15.docx
OFI WG minutes - Sunday, 3/15 + Monday 3/16: https://www.openfabrics.org/downloads/ofiwg/ofi_meeting_minutes/OFWG_minutes_2015-03-15.docx

Presentations are uploaded here:  https://www.openfabrics.org/downloads/ofiwg/F2F_Monterey_2015_0315/
(I also violated my ironclad rule that documents should never be in more than one place by putting a copy of the minutes in the F2F_Monterey_2015_0315<https://www.openfabrics.org/downloads/ofiwg/F2F_Monterey_2015_0315/> directory).


Cray Inc.
Office:    (503) 620-8757
Mobile:  (503) 703-5382

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