[ofiwg] strided IOVs

Hefty, Sean sean.hefty at intel.com
Wed Oct 28 11:50:52 PDT 2015

> Unfortunately, I don't think one can rule out a use case for strided iov's
> for tagged messages.
> MPI in particular supports the notion of derived data types, including
> srided types, which
> can be used for send/receive of messages.  Hardware providers that have
> optimizations
> for these types of patterns would likely want to have such a strided iov
> interface for
> send/recv.

I need more context to understand how writing X bytes every N bytes into a one-time use receive buffer is useful.

I do have a solution for handling send/recv.  The issue is more around the work that providers would need to do to support such a feature.  So, which of these interfaces would applications make use of strided operations?


- Sean

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