[ofiwg] Next steps on NVM PM Remote Access for HA

Voigt, Doug doug.voigt at hpe.com
Mon Apr 23 10:48:04 PDT 2018

With the approval of the OFA-SNIA Alliance on Remote PM (attached   ), OFA and SNIA have agreed to collaborate on 2 deliverables:
-       The next revision of the "NVM PM Remote Access for HA" white paper
-       A new remote PM use case enumeration

As the editor first version of the NVM PM Remote Access for HA white paper, I have volunteered to begin defining the next version.  I think the best way to do that would be to review the current public version of the document in ofiwg.  I would be happy to briefly introduce that document in an upcoming ofiwg meeting, however the review itself should be driven by participants interested in the work of the alliance reading and commenting on the document at

Comments that arise from that review can then be merged with a list of modifications already suggested by prior reviewers.  The list so far includes the following:
Section 3.3 - Add OmniPath, Gen-Z, Open CAPI and CCIX to the description of Disaggregated Persistent Memory in the remote access taxonomy
Section 4 - Add sub-sections on integrity checking and pipelined sequences of RDMA operations for transactions.
New section - introduce the relationship between visibility and durability.
Section 5 - add asynchronous flush, enhance RDMA stack model, revisit figure
Section 6 - add discussion of flush scope, flush barrier ordering and more detail on pipelined sequences of RDMA for transactions
Section 6 - update all figures
Section 8 - describe limited role of network infrastructure in media error handling, reference integrity check, address "delivered but not durable" scenario.
Section 9 - Revisit requirements summary

Paul Grun and I will coordinate the scheduling of this review in ofiwg.

Work on the use case enumeration deliverable will proceed in parallel with this review.

Thank You,
Doug Voigt,
SNIA NVMP TWG co-chair

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