[ofiwg] Trying to understand how to use the auth_key field.

Hefty, Sean sean.hefty at intel.com
Thu Jun 17 07:57:11 PDT 2021

> Thanks for the reply, Sean.
> I agree that the auth_key needs to come from something at a higher level. I've been
> experimenting with Intel MPI, though, and I can't figure out how to get it to generate
> one - the auth_key fields in the domain and ep attributes are null when I see them.
> I've ended up using a shell variable passed in on the mpirun command but I feel like
> that should be the fallback rather than the only solution.

I don't know how Intel MPI handles job keys.  But having MPI generate a key doesn't seem any better than libfabric generating one, unless you're including mpirun or the the start-up as part of MPI.  I'll forward your email separately to one of the MPI developers.

- Sean

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