[Ofmfwg] OFMF Meeting Minutes for 19 January 2022

Aguilar, Michael J. mjaguil at sandia.gov
Wed Jan 19 16:01:22 PST 2022


We discussed:

  1.  Update on documentation work

  *   Russ will have a rough draft out soon.
  *   Overviews and details to discuss.

  1.  Update on website

  *   Work in progress….

  1.  Migration to OFA FSDP pre-planning

  *   Individual accounts
  *   Infrastructure is being developed for the OFMF use.
  *   VMs might be our most easily configured.

  1.  Agent and Demo update

  *   OFMF layer is being updated
  *   Redfish/Swordfish configurations altered

  1.  Presentations and Demo opportunities

  *   SNIA CMSI added to the talks

  1.  AMD from the CXL Consortium

  *   Would like to help with the plug-ins from the client side with Slurm and Kubernetes


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