[Ofmfwg] OFMF meeting minutes for 30 June 2023

Aguilar, Michael J. mjaguil at sandia.gov
Fri Jun 30 09:19:22 PDT 2023


Here is the meeting minutes for 30 June 2023.


  1.  Sunfish Logo
     *   We’ll get the logo
     *   We are looking at our first edit in 3 weeks, with up-to 3 changes
     *   $90 to $125
  2.  Prep for SC23 booth.
     *   Will wait for details from Richelle….
     *   When we get closer, we need to set up a booth manning schedule
     *   Events and Aggregation are now coming into place into Sunfish
     *   Demo, this time and Doug might be able to produce a GUI
  3.  Prep for SC23 BoF.
     *   Need Christian’s and Doug’s bio
     *   Submission is ready to go….
  4.  RESDIS Workshop
     *   Goals, Use-Cases, 4 page submission before 11 August
  5.  Overall design of Reference Composer Framework, Reference Monitoring Framework, Composition Decisions Framework
     *   Documents will be put onto the GitHub site.
  6.  Separate API Emulation part from the data storage

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