[Ofmfwg] OFMF meeting minutes for 12 May 2023

Aguilar, Michael J. mjaguil at sandia.gov
Fri May 12 08:25:36 PDT 2023


Here is a tentative meeting agenda for 12 May 2023.


  1.  We are looking for a Sunfish logo
  2.  Repository changes
     *   We privatized most of the repositories.  Public repositories include the OFMF Reference, OFMF Agent, Mock-Ups, and Descriptions
     *   Christian and Michele described the methods for Pull Requests, CI/CD and code Merges
     *   Christian and Michele are going to implement an ‘Issues log’ for the Github site
  3.  Upcoming conferences
     *   COMPSYS23---Mike A. and Christian
     *   SNIA—Bright Talk----Phil and Richelle
     *   SC22---BoF---Mike A will start the work
     *   SC22---Composability Workshop---Christian and Mike A.
     *   SDC----Mike A., Richelle, Phil, Russ, Shyamali
  4.  Events
     *   We spun a repository off of the OFMF-Reference repository
     *   Code development will begin this weekend
  5.  Russ mentioned that he has handed over proposed extensions to Redfish
     *   New proposed entries for memory
  6.  Next week’s meeting will be cancelled because Mike and Christian will be at COMPSYS23 and Mike will be presenting about the same time as our meeting would be running.  See you in 2 weeks.  😊

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