[Ofmfwg] SDC Slides Due Monday Sept. 9

Hanford, Nathan hanford1 at llnl.gov
Fri Sep 6 14:54:26 PDT 2024

Hello Everyone,

I was incorrect about the date. Indeed the slides are due Monday the 9th.
The link to edit the slides is here: [?pptx icon]  SDC24_Sunfish.pptx<https://doellnl-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/r/personal/hanford1_llnl_gov/Documents/Presentations/SDC24/SDC24_Sunfish.pptx?d=w3f3a540316e34e9eba39fe124b9c46f1&csf=1&web=1&e=7huGEP>
Please let me know if you need/don’t have access.

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