[Openib-windows] RE: Technical content of Sonoma Workshop Feb 5-8

Bill Boas bboas at llnl.gov
Sat Dec 24 11:00:42 PST 2005


It'll be a longshot for the Pats to get to theSuperbowl this year, I 
think. But I hope!

Your list is a great start, but isn't each item you mention in the 
context of Release 1.0?

 From the Labs and Wall Street perspectives, the preference is to"tie 
a ribbon around" Rel 1.0 (both Windows and Linux) as soon as we can, 
and go to the next stage of the evolution of the stack.

So that means making the definition of the content of Rel 2.0 the 
main technical focus of the workshop.

OpenIB PathForward Phase 2, iWARP integration, QOS, improved OpenSM, 
and more ......

Perhaps Matt, Steve Poole, Hal, Roland, HB, Peter,and others will 
join in this discussion and express different opinions.....


At 02:56 PM 12/23/2005, you wrote:
>I'll give it some thought and try to start a discussion on
>the list. Some ideas for a technical track that come to mind are:
>RDS - perhaps we could get someone from Oracle and Silverstorm
>to present something on this. There has been some discussion on
>the list, but not sure we have everyone aligned on what needs to
>be done for this.
>Core S/W update. where we are and where we are going moving forward.
>Generic RDMA support, what is there, what needs to be done.
>iSer update.
>SDP update, what needs to be done before it is ready to be pushed
>OpenMPI update
>OpenSM and diags update
>Linux distributor update, RedHat, Suse, ...
>New H/W support, Pathscale, IBM ?
>Why the Patriots didn't win another superbowl, can we give someone else
>a turn please...
>Were there any specific topics that the DOE folks would like to
>hear on the technical side ?
>I'll be OOP on vacation next week, but will probably
>be checking email and perhaps we can start a discussion on the list.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Bill Boas [mailto:bboas at llnl.gov]
>Sent: Friday, December 23, 2005 12:02 PM
>To: Woodruff, Robert J
>Subject: RE: [openib-general] Please register for Sonoma Workshop
>No agenda yet, and definitely need help......I was planning to send
>out ideas... maybe you could start that process, please.
>At 01:42 PM 12/22/2005, you wrote:
> >
> >Hi Bill,
> >
> >Do you have a proposed agenda for this yet
> >or need any help in putting one together.
> >
> >Trying to determine who from my team should attend.
> >
> >woody
>Bill Boas                               bboas at llnl.gov
>ICCD LLNL, B-453, R-2018                Wk: 925-422-4110
>7000 East Ave, L-555                    Cell: 925-337-2224
>Livermore, CA 94551                     Pgr: 877-203-2248

Bill Boas                               bboas at llnl.gov
ICCD LLNL, B-453, R-2018                Wk: 925-422-4110
7000 East Ave, L-555                    Cell: 925-337-2224
Livermore, CA 94551                     Pgr: 877-203-2248 

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