[ofw] ConnectX branch

Stan C. Smith stan.smith at intel.com
Fri Mar 21 15:13:56 PDT 2008

I would add a hearty second to Sean's ConnectX branch redo request!

The current svn branches\ConnectX folder is not an svn branch, it is an entire repository snapshot (from when??) which
has been svn 'added'; svn add modifies each file containing $Id$.

The act of svn add'ing instead of branching has subverted the use of SW tools to find interesting changes instead of
$Id$ changes.
The only solution one has at this time is to check the 2500+ files one at a time to determine if the 'changes' are $Id$
or something more interesting.

You are a member of a development community and our success depends on all of us working together.
As a member of the community you have an obligation to consider how your actions impact other developers.

I understand you intentions were good, although it's problems like this that slow our march towards Server 2008.


PS: I would suggest you do the following:
	make a temp copy of your current branches\ConnectX
	svn delete branches\ConnectX ; svn commit.
	svn branch gen1\trunk\* into gen1\branches\ConnectX
	move 'only' the modified and new files from your saved ConnectX tree into branches\ConnectX.
	svn commit branches\ConnectX

	Now the rest of the world can diff gen1\trunk with gen1\branches\ConnectX and see the changes.

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