[ofw] Adding Performance Counters support for WinOF

Moshe Haim Moshe-ha at orbotech.com
Mon Jan 12 06:32:14 PST 2009

Hi Tzachi,


A few months ago I posted the following thread, when trying to figure
out how to use WinOF counters for checking the usage over IB (uDapl).



To summarize, I suggested implementing windows performance counters dll
to be included in WinOF bundle since it looks to me as the right thing
to do in order to get that information.

Since then, I had to drop the issue temporarily due to issues with my


I would like to get back on this soon and have several questions:

1.	Is there anyone that already works on adding this feature? If so
can you please point me to that person?
2.	In my pervious attempts to get the performance counters of IB I
used the code inside vstat.c to retrieve the information:

	a.	Is this method of accessing the counter data the mostly
recommended method? If not, can you please point me to one?
	b.	The counter data is 32-bit long, and as far as I recall
was to be multiplied by 4 in order to get the actual number of
transferred bytes.
		This means that the counter maximum is 2^34-1, which is
only 16GB of data.
		Using IB at full or even less capacity would fill up the
counters very quickly (16 seconds in rate of 1GB/sec...).
		From this post:
http://lists.openfabrics.org/pipermail/ofw/2008-May/002602.html I
understood there is an option of using extended 64-bit counters.
		Is this mechanism implemented in WinOF?







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