[openib-general] one request

Roland Dreier roland at topspin.com
Tue Aug 24 10:33:11 PDT 2004

    ron> ah ha! yes, we're on 2.6, and yes, that request_module of
    ron> infiniband_hca is in there, and no, that is not at the very
    ron> end any more, from my memory of looking at this code 10 days
    ron> ago.

    ron> And yes, your description of the behavior is close to what
    ron> we're seeing. I guess it's old code.

Seems so... I just looked back at the gen1 and this all was fixed up
in revision 128 from May 6 2004.

    ron> we're just trying to get gold cd running, and then once
    ron> that's go we'll have a 'working' stack for users, at which
    ron> point we move to gen2 for the real long-term code.

    ron> thanks again, Roland, you cleared some things up for me.

My pleasure... by the way, your main point of not relying on
request_module() is well taken and I have no plans to add any code
like that in the future.

 - R.

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