[openib-general] creating releases for the libraries you own

Roland Dreier rdreier at cisco.com
Mon Oct 30 07:42:19 PST 2006

 > How about allowing web server serve static pages from
 > /pub/html and ~<user>/html? Then anyone with an account
 > can easily upload files by scp, and post a link.

I think that solves the wrong part of the problem.  It's trivial for
me to find places to host stuff.  The issue is having a place for
"official" releases that can be updated directly by the developers
making releases -- in particular, I would like to have release links
show up on http://openfabrics.org/downloads automatically.

One way to handle this would be to point the downloads page to a wiki
page and have developers edit it as the make releases.

 > For documentation, I'd like very much to have wiki that supports WYSIWYG
 > editing.  openib wiki is not WYSIWYG and I find it very painful, trac has this
 > liitation too. There are lots of wikis that support WYSIWYG, e.g. MoinMoin is
 > written in Python and is I think popular:
 > http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/MoinMoinFeatures

I don't think WYSIWYG is particularly important.  For example
wikipedia uses the non-WYSIWYG mediawiki and they seem to do just
fine.  I'm not sure how well Trac will work for us, but those sorts of
feature (bug tracking integration, etc) are much more interesting to me.

 - R.

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