[ewg] OFA EWG Meeting: Monday, Sept 9th, 2019 - 9:00 am PST - Minutes

Davis, Arlin R arlin.r.davis at intel.com
Tue Sep 10 10:50:35 PDT 2019

Attendees                    Company
Devesh Sharma            Broadcom
Bill Snapko                    HPE
Arlin Davis                     Intel

Jim Ryan                        OFA
Rupert Dance               SW Forge

Vladimir Sokolovsky    Mellanox

Adit Ranadive                VMware


*        Opens

*        Request to add latest RH7.7 and SLES 15.1 to release, Vlad will add to backports.

*        If you need to prioritize backports, start with RH7.7.

*        IBTA 36th InfiniBand/RoCE Plugfest (Oct 21st) may use OFED 5.3, will re-evaluate in the coming weeks.

*        OFED-5.3 - https://downloads.openfabrics.org/downloads/OFED/ofed-5.3-daily/OFED-5.3-20190906-1339.tgz

  *   rdma_core-25.0 and kernel.org 5.3 (rc4) (note: hns drivers included)
  *   Currently supported OSes: SLES15.0, SLES12 SP4, RHEL8.0, RHEL7.6
  *   Currently available backports: IB core, IPoIB, iSER, SRP, mlx4
  *   DAPL build fails on RH8.0 - bug reported (Arlin will investigate, time to deprecate DAPL?)
  *   Build is ready for device vendors to immediately start backports
     *   Vlad did the hard work, use his backports for examples
     *   Should only take about 1-2 days for your backports
  *   If needed, send ewg any request to add new libraries, packages, or drivers

Additional information to integrate (email ewg and Vlad if you need assistance):

compat-rdma git trees:
git://git.openfabrics.org/compat-rdma/compat-rdma.git master
- compat-rdma backport patches, system services and utilities

git://git.openfabrics.org/compat-rdma/linux-5.3.git master
- Set of relevant sub trees (as is) from upstream linux kernel 5.3 (rc4) - will be updated to 5.3 release. Used to improve clone/build time.

git://git.openfabrics.org/compat-rdma/compat.git ofed
- backport headers and functionality
- config/rdma.m4 - autotools script used to scan kernel headers and define macros used by backport headers and patches

To build working tree for manual compilation:
# mkdir ofed
# cd ofed
# git clone git://git.openfabrics.org/compat-rdma/compat-rdma.git
# git clone git://git.openfabrics.org/compat-rdma/linux-5.3.git
# git clone git://git.openfabrics.org/compat-rdma/compat.git

# cd compat-rdma
# GIT_TREE=${OFED_EWG_DIR}/linux-5.3 GIT_COMPAT_TREE=${OFED_EWG_DIR}/compat ./scripts/admin_rdma.sh -n -p

To compile drivers:
# ./configure --with-core-mod --with-ipoib-mod --with-ipoib_debug-mod --with-ipoib_debug_data-mod --with-user_mad-mod --with-user_access-mod --with-addr_trans-mod --with-mlx4-mod --with-mlx4_core-mod --with-mlx4_en-mod --with-mlx4_inf-mod --with-mlx4_debug-mod --with-ipoib-cm --with-srp-mod --with-iser-mod --with-iscsi-mod --with-isert-mod

Add other relevant flags...
# make
# make install

Please correct/add anything I missed.



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