[libfabric-users] Configure PeP to listen to multiple Network Interfaces & 2

Arne arnestruck at astruck.de
Mon Jun 22 14:26:47 PDT 2020


this time I have 2 Questions.

First of all I d like to configure the passive endpoint of my server to 
listen to multiple Network Interfaces (lo, eth0, eth1, wlan, etc). 
According to the wording of the Developer Guide I think this is 
possible, unfortunately I did not figure out the correct configuration 
to do so. Up until now I have only given the pep localhost ip as a 
sockaddr_in under FI_SOURCE and after that used multiple peps (each 
correspondand to a its own Network Interface) as a workaround for testing.

Unfortunately Just giving the pep NULL as node and the port as service 
does result in the pep automatically rejecting the connreq/not receiving it.

How should a pep configuration for a communication based pep look like 
to achieve that? If you need more of my config to tell me what I am 
doing wrong, I am happy to provide. Libfabric version used is 1.6.2.


To keep an overview over the peps of my workaround I tried to put their 
pointers into a list (GSList), which leads to the same behaviour as 
giving NULL as the node parameter. Why though? I dont see any reason for 


Arne Struck.

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