[libfabric-users] FI_REMOTE_CQ_DATA & RMA

QUENTIN BOYER quentin.boyer at atos.net
Mon Sep 26 07:42:17 PDT 2022

I don't really see which is the parameter that controls this for 
connection-less endpoints, the destination address ?

Thank you!


On 26/09/2022 16:34, Zhang, Wei wrote:
> Caution: External email. Do not open attachments or click links, unless this email comes from a known sender and you know the content is safe.
> Hi,
> When you can fi_write, you need to specify which end point you are targeting to (alongside with memory address).
> So only the target endpoint will generate completion.
> Wei
> On 9/26/22, 6:23 AM, "Libfabric-users on behalf of QUENTIN BOYER via Libfabric-users" <libfabric-users-bounces at lists.openfabrics.org on behalf of libfabric-users at lists.openfabrics.org> wrote:
>      CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know the content is safe.
>      Hi,
>      There is an interaction I don't quite understand. If a provider does
>      *not* have FI_MR_ENDPOINT the memory regions are bound to domains. But
>      when the are target with a RMA write that provides cq data with
>      FI_REMOTE_CQ_DATA where should the completion be generated ? because
>      there may be one, zero, or many endpoints associated with this domain.
>      Or is this flag only applicable with FI_MR_ENDPOINT ?
>      Quentin Boyer
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