[Ofa_boardplus] Jason's draft preso to the Linux Plumbers' Conference

Jim Ryan jimdryan at gmail.com
Thu Aug 31 11:56:27 PDT 2017

I'm going to offer a few points, some of which are what I'd call "style
points", many of which, you'll see, you couldn't possibly know.

I want to take a minute to thank you for this excellent work. I'm extremely
pleased to see you can describe yourself as a "Director at Large". I have
to believe it's going to have an impact in general and possibly
specifically at this event.

Slide   Comment
1 "OpenFabrics" without a space -- see I tried to foreshadow some of these
would be
   stunningly important ;^))

3 The correct name is University of New Hampshire InterOperability
   abbreviated UNH-IOL

4 Consider adding the OFA does not do spec development. It relies on specs
   other orgs chartered to do this. We develop, test, etc. code based on
such specs

5 I heard Paul question the "disband" comment and certainly it has been
   My SUGGESTION would be something along the lines of a heading "seriously
   talking about" and removing this bullet. While it has been mentioned, no
one is
   seriously considering doing this. This could apply to other bullets as
well, obviously.

12 I don't think there's serious consideration of repurposing much less
     the logo program. This is, IMHO, part of, if not THE foundation for
the OFA.
     The important discussions Susan is leading now have to do with ways we
     strengthen the program
Again, plz take these as constructive comments. What you're doing here is
very important and a huge value to the OFA

best, Jim
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