[Ofa_boardplus] Paid staff in the OFA

Jim Ryan jimdryan at gmail.com
Mon Oct 9 12:02:28 PDT 2017

Jason, well said, I could not agree more. Here's what I hope is a minor
clarifying point: the SoW addresses the very specific relationship we have
for biz mgmnt services. It's probably needed regardless of our overall
relationship w/the LF.

Whether we should have a different relationship w/the LF is worth
discussing, if that's the will of this group. I'm trying to ack your point
w/o creating an issue on my own

trying to be helpful...


On Mon, Oct 9, 2017 at 11:54 AM, Jason Gunthorpe <
jgunthorpe at obsidianresearch.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 09, 2017 at 09:35:26AM -0700, Jim Ryan wrote:
> > Jason, thanks. I don't know how much background you have so, at the risk
> of
> > being redundant, let me just say the notion of having a significant
> > relationship with the LF has been looked into, seriously, in the
> > past.
> Yes, I know.. I don't know the details however.
> > PS, we should separate the issue of paid staff from the LF. Again,
> that's just
> > my opinion, but I believe that strongly and I'd be happy to explain this
> to
> > anyone who is interested. I hope you know I'm prepared to be talked out
> of an
> > ill-advised position
> I agree, paid staff of the contract variety is an entirely sane approach
> for the OFA to take at this time.
> However, looking forward, if full time dedicated staff become a
> fixture of the OFA, then treating them as actual employees with
> benifits is a reasonable thing to grow into - and this is exactly what
> the LF is doing for other similar open source organizations.
> So, the OFA should not, out of hand, dismiss the long term idea of
> having proper full time employees. It is entirely doable, but it is
> not something to tackle until we actually have a contract employees,
> and funding to support them..
> I wanted to point it out, since you mentioned OFA was revisiting the
> SOW with the LF.
> Jason
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