[Ofa_boardplus] Draft Mission Statement

Coulter, Susan K skc at lanl.gov
Fri Mar 16 10:39:29 PDT 2018

Doug’s explanations have clarified why we used certain terms and the reasoning behind them.

As far as I’m concerned, the draft statement is very close to something I would vote for.
I am not overly concerned with networks versus fabrics versus technologies, etc.
If we just added a few words and re-arranged for readability all the concepts that matter to LANL are in there.

This does not address the specification-writing thing, but that does not have to be part of our mission statement.
If the Board agrees that some kind of standards or specification writing is something we need/want to do - for the benefit of the community - so be it.
That could be done in support of the broader mission - as stated below in chunks with a few terms added.

On Mar 16, 2018, at 8:51 AM, Doug Ledford <dledford at redhat.com<mailto:dledford at redhat.com>> wrote:

“The mission of the OFA is to accelerate the development and
adoption of

 vendor neutral / independent - whatever

advanced networks  by

evangelizing existing and emerging technologies, evolving and supporting existing

 open source

software, and incubating new

open source

 software for the benefit of the developers and
consumers of such networks.

Susan Coulter
Network Lead
(505) 412-6525
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

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