[Ofa_boardplus] Agenda for tomorrow's OFA Board Meeting

Paul Grun grun at cray.com
Wed Oct 23 16:00:55 PDT 2019

Reminder - the October Board meeting was delayed one week, until tomorrow 10/24.


  *   Adopt the minutes from the last Board meeting (9/19/2019)
     *   https://downloads.openfabrics.org/WorkGroups/board/minutes_board/2019/OFABoardMinutes_20190919.docx
  *   Working Group Reports
  *   Treasurer's Report
  *   Vote to send the DRAFT Bylaws to OFA counsel for legal review
     *   See attached slide
     *   https://downloads.openfabrics.org/WorkGroups/board/Bylaws%20Update%20Project/OFA%20Draft%20Bylaws%20Unified/

As part of the last item, we will also review the process for closing on new Bylaws, discuss eligibility to vote, and quorum requirements.  You may wish to review the minutes from the 10/10/2019 XWG meeting which can be found here<https://downloads.openfabrics.org/WorkGroups/board/minutes_xwg/2019/OFAXWGMinutes_20191010.docx>.
You may also wish to review the "groundrules" for updating the Bylaws as adopted by the Board in December 2016, including the list of eligible participants as of 12/15/2016.  The slide deck can be found here<https://downloads.openfabrics.org/WorkGroups/board/adopted_motions/V_Bylaws_Update_Project_2016_1216.pptx>.
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Advanced Technology Group
Cray, Inc.
Office  - (503) 620 - 8757
Mobile - (503) 703 - 5382

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