[ofiwg] DS/DA - update on today's NVM discussion

Paul Grun grun at cray.com
Tue Jun 7 18:38:09 PDT 2016

Attached is an updated version of the Intel document discussed at today's meeting.  It has also been placed in the OFI documents area:  http://downloads.openfabrics.org/WorkGroups/ofiwg/dsda_nvm/RDMA%20Extensions%20-%20Proposed%20libfabric%20API.docx
I have also uploaded the minutes from today's meeting at the usual place: http://downloads.openfabrics.org/WorkGroups/ofiwg/dsda_meeting_minutes/

Thanks to Chet Douglas for working through this with the group.  We will complete this discussion at our next meeting on 6/21 at 8:00AM PDT.

Note: I have made a minor re-arrangement of the DS/DA sections to better reflect the work of the group.  See following email for details.


Advanced Technology Group
Cray, Inc.
Office  - (503) 620 - 8757
Mobile - (503) 703 - 5382

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