[ofiwg] release plans for libfabric 1.5.3 / 1.6

Howard Pritchard hppritcha at gmail.com
Fri Dec 1 13:51:08 PST 2017

Hi Sean,

This sounds good to me.


2017-12-01 10:45 GMT-07:00 Hefty, Sean <sean.hefty at intel.com>:

> > I'd be in favor of doing a 1.5.3 in the early December time frame if
> > others have fixes they'd like to get out soon.
> Getting back to this, I propose the following release plan:
> Release 1.5.3 will be this month.  I'd like to target rc1 by 12/8, with
> the release within 2 weeks after that.
> For 1.6.0, there are several significant features that are still in the
> works.  However, having a release by mid-March is desirable because of
> third party schedules.  I'd like to set a feature cut-off for 1.6 for the
> end of January, with rc1 starting at beginning of February.
> - Sean
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