[Ofmfwg] OFMF meeting minutes for 1 June 2022

Aguilar, Michael J. mjaguil at sandia.gov
Wed Jun 1 15:28:03 PDT 2022


Here is a tentative meeting agenda for 1 June 2022

Working on getting the Friday meetings started for the OFMF, email sent out, already. The meetings will be at 8 AM PT, 4 PM Central European Summer Time

  *   Email issues being worked on
     *   Try to get Whitelist approval for OFMF and OFA emails from your corporate email scanning people
        *   No spam
  *   SC21 OFA/OFMF demo space with SNIA, etc.
  *   Upcoming conferences---SC21, IEEE Cluster?, SDC (SNIA Storage Developer Conference, Sept 12-15, Fremont Marriot Silicon Valley), FMS (Flash Memory Summit, Aug 2-4, Santa Clara Convention Center)
  *   New shared development infrastructure—updates
     *   We want to be able to allow individuals from everywhere, with authorization, to work on OFMF development and test, at any time
        *   Shared set of SSH keys for each team or individual
     *   First shared cloud server for OFMF development---Kamatera
        *   Kamatera--$9/month per server instance
        *   First server will be for GUI development---If things look good, I’ll work on getting more servers
        *   1 Intel Xeon Platinum core 8358P, 20GB of SSD
        *   IP address:
        *   SSH keys for log-ins and for port tunnelling our OFMF services between the servers
        *   Firewalld
        *   Standard usage with all of the normal Sys Admin controls
           *   DNF Centos 8 vault repos installed by me
           *   Git was already in the image
           *   Python3 and Screen installed by me
        *   Running the OFMF services, right now
        *   I would like to add more servers to support our shared development work
        *   Would like to be able to SSH tunnel to the Gen-Z servers, is that possible?
     *   No word, yet, on the DockerHub Professional service update
     *   GitHub for software work
        *   Can use the code and test
  *   Website updates
  *   Development work updates---nothing to report, yet
     *   update to the Gantt Chart----No major changes for this week.
     *   Feedback on the CXL Use-Case description

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