[Ofmfwg] OFMF meeting minutes for 20 October 2023

CHRISTIAN PINTO Christian.Pinto at ibm.com
Fri Oct 20 08:02:33 PDT 2023

Licence and copyright assignment

  *   BSD3-Clause or BSD-GPL combination
     *   Participants to check with their legal dept.
  *   Licence agreement for contributions
     *   DCO sign-off at the end of commit
     *   Licence agreement to be signed prior to contributing code
     *   Participants to check with their legal dept.
  *   Copyright notice in code
     *   Each contributor adds a copyright line for their company:
        *   Example: Copyright COMPANY YEAR. All rights reserved.

SC23 Booth Prep

  1.  Doodle Poll for manning booth?
     *   Michael, Phil, Doug, Christian, Russ
  2.  SC23 Booth set-up
  3.  Materials
     *   Michael has already some stuff that he will bring a to the conference

SC23 Demo build-out

  1.  Cloud servers
     *   Up and running. Michael to install Graph DB on one of the VMs.
  2.  Sunfish Core
     *   Christian has it almost done. Finalizing the interaction with agents when an object is created
  3.  Composability Manager
     *   Mike and Phil working the pseudocode, next step is building the actual code (considering building it in BASH)
  4.  Agents
     *   Russ finalizing the CXL system mockup

Christian Pinto, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
IBM Research Europe - Ireland

From: Aguilar, Michael James <mjaguil at sandia.gov>
Date: Friday, 20 October 2023 at 14:59
To: ofmfwg at lists.openfabrics.org <ofmfwg at lists.openfabrics.org>, Phil Cayton <phil.cayton at intel.com>, Ahlvers, Richelle <richelle.ahlvers at intel.com>, Doug Ledford <dledford at redhat.com>, Herrell, Russ W (Senior System Architect) <russ.herrell at hpe.com>, Apostal, David <david.apostal at und.edu>, Hojati, Elham <elham.hojati at intel.com>, CHRISTIAN PINTO <Christian.Pinto at ibm.com>, Michele Gazzetti1 <Michele.Gazzetti1 at ibm.com>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] OFMF meeting agenda for 20 October 2023
Everyone Here is the meeting agenda for 20 October 2023. Sunfish licensing SC23 Booth Prep Doodle Poll for manning booth? SC23 Booth set-up Materials SC23 Demo build-out Cloud serversSunfish CoreComposability ManagerAgents SC23 Presentations
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Here is the meeting agenda for 20 October 2023.

  1.  Sunfish licensing
  2.  SC23 Booth Prep

     *   Doodle Poll for manning booth?
     *   SC23 Booth set-up
     *   Materials

  1.  SC23 Demo build-out

     *   Cloud servers
     *   Sunfish Core
     *   Composability Manager
     *   Agents

  1.  SC23 Presentations

     *   RESDIS23. RESDIS'23<https://resdis.github.io/ws/2023/sc/>
     *   DOE Booth 10AM Tuesday Round Table discussion:  DOE only?
     *   BUG23:  BUG23 Denver, Agenda - The BeeGFS User Group Live in Denver November 13th (google.com)<https://groups.google.com/g/fhgfs-user/c/yeiMVjYaO3c>

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