[Openib-windows] DDK to be used

Fabian Tillier ftillier at silverstorm.com
Sun Mar 19 07:30:01 PST 2006

Hi Leonid,

On 3/19/06, Leonid Keller <leonid at mellanox.co.il> wrote:
> Hi Fab,
> We are using Win2003 SP1 DDK (3790.1830) and in the last time, while
> preparing a release version for regression, we've come across several
> compiler bugs. Usually, they are related to the optimizing of intrinsic
> functions.
> [Examples: _bytes_swap64(expression) or even InterlockedOr(addr, 0)! ]

This is the same DDK that I am using, and I don't have any issues. 
Can you give examples of what the warnings are?

> What DDK are you using ?
> Do you have an access to a newer DDK ? Can  we get it ?

I don't think there's a newer DDK out.  The WDK (Windows Driver Kit)
will be out along with Vista, and we'll switch to that when it's

> If - not, what a solution would you suggest ?
> [We were thinking about using a compiler from VC 8.0. It is of major
> version 14 and seems like better.
> But it comes with its own headers and libs and we will need to somehow
> merge two different IDEs, which can cause new problems and use DLLs,
> that do not come with OS (like msvcrt80.dll), which complicates
> installation.]

I don't think we want to use the VC8 compiler.  First, it requires
getting the DDK build environment to use it rather than its own,
second it requires other uses of OpenIB to get Visual Studio, which is
not free like the DDK.

I'm sure we can find a solution to the build warnings, since I have
not had any and I build with /W4.

- Fab

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