[ofw] SRP Initiator Issue

Josh Morris josh.morris at texmemsys.com
Tue May 8 12:18:54 PDT 2007

I am having some issues connecting to an SRP target using the OpenIB 
Windows drivers (version The setup consists of an server 
running Windows Server 2003 directly connected to the SRP target. The IB 
drivers install, however when installing the InfiniBand SRP Miniport a 
failure occurs with the error "Device cannot start (Code 10)." The 
subnet manager is openSM and is running on the Windows server.

Some digging  in the list archives revealed that this error is typically 
caused when the target does not accept the initiator's login request. I 
captured a packet trace and do not see the initiator transmit the login 
request. I do see subnet management and device management MADs, but 
there are no communication management MADs. I also see some suspicious 
packets containing a GRH scattered throughout the trace. The destination 
GID of the GRH does not match the GID of the target.

The HCA is a Mellanox PCIe card(MHEL-CF128-T) with firmware version 
4.8.200. If I can provide any further information please let me know.

Thank you,

Josh Morris
josh.morris at texmemsys.com

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