[ofw] incompatibility issues between WinOF & (Linux) OFED 1.1

Ham Nguyen hamie at 3leafsystems.com
Fri May 25 19:55:52 PDT 2007


	?: Does WinOF suppose to be compatible with (Linux) OFED 1.1?

	I ran the ib_send_bw test, and found out that the 2 stacks
	aren't compatible, so would someone please shed some lights
	on this incompatibility, please?

	Here're the test results:

    1.	Linux as client & server: works.
	This includes:
	   a.	One single Linux running as both server & client.
		(This is a silly, but sanity test.)
	   b.	Two different Linux running as server & client.

    2.	Windows as client & server: works.

    3.	Linux as server.  Windows client failed with:
		Completion wth error at client:
		Failed status 9: wr_id 1 syndrom 0x81
		scnt=1000, ccnt=0

	(Linux server does report "remote address ..." so there
	seems to be some connection.)

    4.	Windows as server.  Linux client failed with:
		Completion wth error at client:
		Failed status 12: wr_id 1 syndrom 0x81
		scnt=300, ccnt=0

	(Again, Windows server reports connection from client.)

    5.	If I specify '-c UC' or '-c UD', then the client reports
	that it completed 1000 iterations together with the
	calculated peak/average bandwidths.  However, both client
	and server seem hang, and requiring a Control+C to terminate
	the test.

    6.	*IMPORTANT*: in all cases, the LID of the Windows host is
	always shown in reverse-byte order!  E.g. Windows vstat
	report a Windows port LID is 0x1234, then:
	   a.	Linux reports   "remote address: LID 0x3412"
	   b.	Windows reports "local  address: LID 0x3412"
	   c.	In case server & client are both Windows,
		then both report LIDs in reverse-byte order.
	So is it an indication some (Windows?) code didn't do
	a host-to-net conversion for LID?

    7.	I also dual-boot a Windows host as Linux, then
	ib_send_bw ran flawlessly.  That proves no problem
	with hardware, HCA, fabric, cabling, etc., so the
	problem is purely software.

    8.	Versions:
	   a.	Linux: OFED 1.1
	   b.	Windows: downloaded from

	So I'd appreciate anyone who can shed some lights on this issue.


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