[libfabric-users] fi_cq_sread fails with "Resource temporarily unavailable"

Alisa Parashchenko ge24cuc at mytum.de
Fri May 3 12:49:23 PDT 2024


I found my mistake. The fi_cq_sread() fails because I set the wrong 
timeout (0 instead of -1). I really should have noticed that sooner. 
However, with the correct timeout set, fi_inject() returns the same 
error. It works eventually if I retry often enough:

while ((ret = fi_inject(ep, buf, 6, 1)) == -FI_EAGAIN);

But do I really have to just retry until it works, or is there a better way?

Running fi_pingpong from utils/ on my setup does work. The 
fi_rma_pingpong from fabtests/benchmarks/ keeps running for many 
minutes, even if I specify the smallest size and only 10 iterations 
(i.e. "fi_rma_pingpong -S l:1 -I 10" for the server, and 
"fi_rma_pingpong -S l:1 -I 10 localhost" for the client). Is it supposed 
to run this long and I should just wait, or am I doing something wrong?


01.05.2024 17:33, Zegelstein, Seth wrote:
 > Hey Alisa,
 > Can you start with trying to run fabtests on your setup?  Start with 
one of the pinpong tests.
 > Best,
 > Seth
 > On 5/1/24, 6:29 AM, "Libfabric-users on behalf of Alisa 
Parashchenko" <libfabric-users-bounces at lists.openfabrics.org 
<mailto:libfabric-users-bounces at lists.openfabrics.org> on behalf of 
ge24cuc at mytum.de <mailto:ge24cuc at mytum.de>> wrote:
 > CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do 
not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender 
and know the content is safe.
 > Hello,
 > I am new to Libfabric and trying to write some code that does RMAs.
 > Currently, however, even reading from the completion queue after doing a
 > regular fi_recv() is failing with "Resource temporarily unavailable".
 > Here is a minimal program that gets this error. Could someone tell me
 > what I'm doing wrong? Setting FI_LOG_LEVEL=Debug didn't give any helpful
 > information. I am on a regular Linux desktop, with Libfabric using its
 > TCP provider, if that's relevant.
 > Regards,
 > Alisa
 > #include <assert.h>
 > #include <errno.h>
 > #include <stdlib.h>
 > #include <stdio.h>
 > #include <unistd.h>
 > #include <rdma/fabric.h>
 > #include <rdma/fi_cm.h>
 > #include <rdma/fi_domain.h>
 > #include <rdma/fi_endpoint.h>
 > #include <rdma/fi_rma.h>
 > #define PANIC_NZ(a) if ((ret = a)) panic("" #a "", fi_strerror(ret));
 > static struct fi_info *info;
 > static struct fid_fabric *fabric;
 > static struct fid_domain *domain;
 > static struct fid_ep *ep;
 > static struct fi_av_attr av_attr = { 0 };
 > static struct fi_cq_attr cq_attr = { 0 };
 > static struct fi_eq_attr eq_attr = { 0 };
 > static struct fid_av *av;
 > static struct fid_cq *cq;
 > static struct fid_eq *eq;
 > int ret;
 > void panic(char *f, const char *msg) {
 > fprintf(stderr, "%s failed: %s\n", f, msg);
 > exit(1);
 > }
 > void hexdump(int len, void *buf) {
 > for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) printf("%02hhx ", ((char*)buf)[i]);
 > printf("\n");
 > }
 > int main(int argc, char **argv) {
 > char *host = "localhost";
 > int is_server = argc <= 1;
 > char *port = is_server ? "1234" : "4321" ;
 > /* Select fabric */
 > struct fi_info *hints = fi_allocinfo();
 > hints->ep_attr->type = FI_EP_RDM;
 > hints->caps = FI_MSG | FI_RMA;
 > PANIC_NZ(fi_getinfo(FI_VERSION(1,21), host, port, FI_SOURCE, hints,
 > &info));
 > printf("Selected fabric \"%s\", domain \"%s\"\n",
 > info->fabric_attr->name, info->domain_attr->name);
 > fi_freeinfo(hints);
 > /* Set up address vector */
 > PANIC_NZ(fi_fabric(info->fabric_attr, &fabric, NULL));
 > PANIC_NZ(fi_domain(fabric, info, &domain, NULL));
 > av_attr.type = FI_AV_TABLE;
 > av_attr.count = 2;
 > PANIC_NZ(fi_av_open(domain, &av_attr, &av, NULL));
 > /* Open the endpoint, bind it to an EQ, CQ, and AV*/
 > PANIC_NZ(fi_endpoint(domain, info, &ep, NULL));
 > cq_attr.wait_obj = FI_WAIT_UNSPEC;
 > PANIC_NZ(fi_cq_open(domain, &cq_attr, &cq, NULL));
 > PANIC_NZ(fi_eq_open(fabric, &eq_attr, &eq, NULL));
 > PANIC_NZ(fi_ep_bind(ep, &av->fid, 0));
 > PANIC_NZ(fi_ep_bind(ep, &cq->fid, FI_TRANSMIT|FI_RECV));
 > PANIC_NZ(fi_ep_bind(ep, &eq->fid, 0));
 > PANIC_NZ(fi_enable(ep));
 > /* Get the address of the endpoint */
 > char fi_addr[160];
 > size_t fi_addrlen = 160;
 > PANIC_NZ(fi_getname(&ep->fid, fi_addr, &fi_addrlen));
 > printf("Got libfabric EP addr of length %zu:\n", fi_addrlen);
 > hexdump(fi_addrlen, fi_addr);
 > /* Insert own address and peer's address into AV */
 > ret = fi_av_insert(av, fi_addr, 1, NULL, 0, NULL);
 > assert(ret == 1);
 > /* Obviously not the right way to do this, but the shortest way */
 > char *peer_port = is_server ? "\x10\xe1" : "\x04\xd2";
 > memcpy(fi_addr + 2, peer_port, 2);
 > ret = fi_av_insert(av, fi_addr, 1, NULL, 0, NULL);
 > assert(ret == 1);
 > /* Try to exchange a message */
 > if (is_server) {
 > char buf[6];
 > char cq_buf[128];
 > PANIC_NZ(fi_recv(ep, buf, 5, NULL, 1, NULL));
 > ret = fi_cq_sread(cq, cq_buf, 1, NULL, 0);
 > if (ret < 0) panic("fi_cq_sread", fi_strerror(ret));
 > printf("Got message: %s\n", buf);
 > } else {
 > char buf[6] = "Hello";
 > PANIC_NZ(fi_inject(ep, buf, 6, 1));
 > }
 > fi_close((struct fid *) ep);
 > fi_close((struct fid *) av);
 > fi_close((struct fid *) eq);
 > fi_close((struct fid *) cq);
 > fi_close((struct fid *) domain);
 > fi_close((struct fid *) fabric);
 > fi_freeinfo(info);
 > return 0;
 > }
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