[Ofa_boardplus] Treasurer's report for the Board meeting this coming Thursday

Jim Ryan jimdryan at gmail.com
Tue Mar 17 16:52:10 PDT 2020

Plz see the attached and, as always, comments/questions welcome. I expect
we'll discuss this Thursday

thanks, Jim

Treasurer’s Report: February 2020

Our cash position decreased slightly to $294,070. Our accumulated surplus
was essentially flat at $217,663.

Our net income was a loss of $7,969. We are seeing a monthly high but
within overall annual budget expenses for the Executive Director. These are
a direct result of Workshop planning and support for OFA Bylaws and IPR
policy work and for interop program work.

There will be some unrecoverable workshop costs due to postponement that
are being collected now and will be reported next month

Comments/questions are more than welcome, whether to me or the group. I’ll
send the actual report to anyone who wants to see it.

Thanks, Jim Acting Treasurer
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